Hey! This website is designed for Personal Computers in mind!
Welcome to my dedicated SEGA Saturn subpage. Afters years of having interest in the console due to its infamy & mystery, I decided to purchase my own at the end of 2020. Ever since
then, I've been slowly amassing a collection of Japanese import games for the system. This page is primarily to show my collection & talk about the games I'm interested in, but this also doubles
as a guide to help non-Japanese speakers find & help play import games whenever possible.
At the moment, my Saturn collection is 24 games strong!
 "Daytona USA April 1st, 1995 |
 Puyo Puyo Tsu October 27th, 1995 |
 Baku Baku Animal November 10th, 1995 |
 Virtua Fighter 2 December 1st, 1995 |
 Bug! December 8th, 1995 |
 SMT: Devil Summoner December 25th, 1995 |
 Street Fighter Zero January 26th, 1996 |
 NiGHTS into Dreams... July 5th, 1996 |
 Street Figher Zero 2 September 14th, 1996 |
 Christmas NiGHTS November 22nd, 1996 |
 Rockman 8 January 17th, 1997 |
 Puyo Puyo Sun February 14th, 1997 |
 Sonic Jam June 20th, 1997 |
 Biohazard July 25th, 1997 |
 Rockman X4 August 1st. 1997 |
 Sonic R December 4th, 1997 |
 Tamagatchi Park January 29th, 1998 |
 Burning Rangers February 26th, 1998 |
 NGE: Girlfriend of Steel March 26th, 1998 |
 Waku Puyo Dungeon April 2nd, 1998 |
 Madou Monogatari July 23rd, 1998 |
 Policenauts September 13th, 1996 [JP] |
 Grandia December 18th, 1997 [JP] |
 Dragon Force 2 April 2nd, 1998 |
 Symphony of the Night June 25th, 1998 [JP] |
SECRETS & FUN FACTSFun facts about the game & what lays underneath the hood.
INTERVIEWSArchive of Interviews related to the game. NOT AVAILABLE.
SUPER MARIO RPG 2The remnants of a cancelled sequel.
~12/3/2023~ Created "Super Mario RPG 2" page.
~12/2/2023~ Created "Concept Art" page.
~12/1/2023~ Created "Secrets & Fun Facts" page.
~11/30/2023~ Created pages dedicated to proposals.
~11/30/2023~ Created this dedicated "Super Mario RPG" Section.
Special Thanks to Dave, who I stole the background from. I quite like it. :)